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truth tables

Logic – Truth Tables

September 17th, 2015 by John Lehet

Today’s post is something different – Truth Tables. Truth Tables are a great way to learn and master logical statements. That is conditional statements and combining statements with AND (Conjunction) and OR (Disjunction), as well as negating statements. I have developed two new sets of practice problems for truth tables. General statements “p” and “q” are used to represent any statement. Just to review, a statement must be true (T) or false (F). For each problem set, there are four rows (randomly presented in each problem set) and a randomly selected statement. All you have to do is determine the truth value (T or F) of the statement for each row.

As with most of my practice problem sets, perfect practice is imperative. Immediate feedback is provided and this helps you to learn and improve. There are two problem sets below (both interactive). The first does not include any negated statements, so it should help you ease into being successful. The second problem set has everything, AND, OR, Negation and Conditional Statements. All you have to do is to correctly determine the truth values (either TRUE or FALSE) for each statement.

Problem Set 1
AND/OR and Conditional Statements

Problem Set 2
AND/OR/Negation and Conditional Statements

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