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Holiday Puzzle 2015 #15 – More Missing Words

December 15th, 2015 by John Lehet

qmman It’s Tuesday, so here are some more Missing Word puzzles.  Today there are ten puzzles of varying difficulty.

As a refresher in each puzzle, a word or words are missing, replaced by their first letter.  In order to solve each puzzle, you need to find the missing words.  Here’s an example of how they work:

Puzzle1:       12 I in a F

The solution is     “12 INCHES in a FOOT”  (“I” stands for “INCHES” and “F” stands for “FOOT“)

Below are ten puzzles to try.

  • 4 S in a D of C

  • 12 N on a C

  • 5 O in the W

  • 7 W of the A W

  • 13 S on the U S F

  • 2 W on a B

  • 12 M in a Y

  • 9 L of a C

  • 15 B on a P T

  • 2 E on a F

These are not original puzzles, but I still like to share them.  Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them! 


Holiday Puzzle 2015 #14 – Associative Riddles

December 14th, 2015 by John Lehet

“Why is a raven like a writing desk?” – Lewis Carroll

Today’s puzzle is another set of fun riddles called Associative Riddles.  Associative riddles look for how two ideas are associated.  This association is often with a word they have in common.  For example, carpet and carport  have “car” in common.  Making an associate riddle, one may ask “what do a rug and a garage have in common“?  The answer would be “car” as a “carpet” is a rug and a “carport” is a garage.

The idea is really simple – all of the riddles have answers that are a single word that the two themes of the riddle have in common.  For example, “What’s a cow behind the wheel?”  – a“Steer” is the answer because a “steer” is a cow and to drive, one “steers” the wheel.  That’s the idea – not too crazy hard, but still thought provoking.

Below are nine associative riddles for you to try – all of them can be answered with a single word that two parts of the riddle have in common.

  • 1. What tree can you hold in your hand?
  • 2. What is an angry word puzzle?
  • 3. What is not yet a frog in the farthest north?
  • 4. What color is a designers plan of the moon?
  • 5. What’s legal with “in” and illegal with “out”?
  • 6. What’s a box on the waves?
  • 7. What does a knitting nurse use?
  • 8. What’s a measuring Monarch?
  • 9. What does a hitchhiking baby use?

Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them!

Holiday Puzzle 2015 #9 – Letter Riddles

December 9th, 2015 by John Lehet
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“Simplicity is the glory of expression.” – Walt Whitman

Today’s puzzle is fun for everyone – Letter Riddles.  I came up with these riddles years ago while sitting at a restaurant with my family while waiting for the meal.  I was challenging my oldest daughter with these and in return she came up with a couple to challenge me!

The idea is really simple – all of the riddles have answers that are words that are pronounced the same as a single letter or a combination of letters.  For example, “What letter did Columbus cross?”  – the “C” is the answer because the letter C is pronounced the same as the word “sea“.   That’s the idea – not too crazy hard, but still thought provoking.

Below are ten letter riddles for you to try – all of them can be answered with a single letter or a combination of two or three letters.

  • 1. What two letters are shifty?
  • 2. What two letters does a banana have?
  • 3. What two letters are four score?
  • 4. What two are sick?
  • 5. What two letters play cards?
  • 6. What letter is a bird?
  • 7. What two letters are slippery?
  • 8. What two letters are a report?
  • 9. What two letters are not hard?
  • 10. What two letters are a girls name?

Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them!

Holiday Puzzle 2015 #3 – Math Riddles

December 3rd, 2015 by John Lehet

“You can observe a lot by watching.” – Yogi Berra

It’s my favorite today – Math Riddles!  These are all original.  Some are from my riddle book Riddle-Me Math and some are new.  I love riddles because they are often very simple to state, but at the same time, very difficult to solve.  There are five riddles below, dealing with numbers and relationships (e.g. proportions).  Riddles typically require a bit of thought and their solutions may not be immediately seen.  That’s the challange!  Don’t give in, keep thinking about them and try to get each solution without being told.  Your first few guesses may seem crazy, but keep plugging along – even the best riddlers take their time and make a few mistakes.

click here for .pdf file

1. What is the only number with the same number of letters as its name?

2. What number is half the number of letters as its name?  (there are two answers – try to get them both!)

3. What number is equal to five times the number of letters in its name?

4. If a month lasted only an hour, then a year would last how long?

5. If a dime was a year, then what would a dollar be?

I hope you enjoy these riddles. Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them!

Holiday Puzzle 2015 #1 – Missing Word Puzzles

December 1st, 2015 by John Lehet
"Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming" - John Wooden

Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming” – John Wooden

It’s the start of another December and that means Holiday Puzzles!  Last year’s Holiday Puzzles were a big hit with a lot of puzzlers.  I hope to repeat the fun and challenge again this year!  Much like last year, this year I am starting off with Missing Word Puzzles.  I plan on making Tuesday “Missing Word Puzzle” day.  So each Tuesday in December, there will be a new set of Missing Word puzzles.  I’ve received a lot of great feedback from everyone about last year’s Missing Work Puzzles.  Today we will start with some straightforward Missing Word puzzles, that even younger puzzlers can figure out..

As a refresher, just like the last year, in each puzzle, a word or words are missing, replaced by their first letter.  In order to solve each puzzle, you need to find the missing words.  Here’s an example of how they work:

Puzzle1:       12 I in a F

The solution is     “12 INCHES in a FOOT”  (“I” stands for “INCHES” and “F” stands for “FOOT“)

Below are ten puzzles to try

  • 2 P in a P

  • 3 W on a T

  • 3 BM

  • 4 Q in a D

  • 5 N in a Q

  • 4 Q in a G

  • 24 H in a D

  • 12 I in a F

  • 3 F in a Y

  • 7 D in a W

These are all beginner puzzles to get the holiday season started and they’re just fun puzzles to ponder.  They are not original puzzles, but I still like to share them.  Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them! 

Here are some clues, in no specific order – Time, Money, Sightless Rodent, Vegatable, Shapes, Letters and Measurement.

Holiday Puzzle #1 – Missing Word Puzzles

December 2nd, 2014 by John Lehet
"The mind is everything.  What you think you become"  Buddha

The mind is everything. What you think you become” Buddha

This is the first of my Holiday Puzzles for 2014. For years, I have been giving my own children puzzles, games or codes each December morning up to Christmas. It’s a tradition that they’ve enjoyed throughout the years and still look forward to. This year I’ve decided to post a puzzle for everyone on my puzzle Blog. The puzzles will typically be original and math related (nothing too crazy), but sometimes they will just be an interesting puzzle that I’d like to share. So here goes with the first puzzle for December.

Today’s puzzle is a missing word puzzle.  In each puzzle, a word or words are missing, replaced by their first letter.  In to order solve, you need to find the missing words.  Here’s an example:

Puzzle:       12 I in a F

The solution is     “12 INCHES in a FOOT

Below are ten puzzles (one for each number from1 to 10)

  • 1 W on a U

  • 2 N in a D

  • 3 F in a Y

  • 4 Q in a D

  • 5 P in a N

  • 6 S in a H

  • 7 D in a W

  • 8 S on a SS

  • 9 I in a BG

  • 10 Y in a D

All of these puzzles are straight forward.  You will need some knowledge of measurement, shapes and sports (for one).  Good Luck and pass the puzzles onto others who may enjoy them!

Math Riddles for the New Year!

January 1st, 2014 by ewcAdmin

“Live in the moment … but don’t be led by the moment, or the people who belong to it.” – J. Aleksandr Wootton

Happy New Year to All! I hope all is well with everyone.  I’ve started the new puzzling year off in a big way.  I’ve switched the MathMaverick Blog to WordPress from Facebook. It is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while. Finally, I’ve gotten off the sofa and done it! Hopefully this will make it more accessible and consistent (there were many problems with Facebook Notes in 2013 that were out of my control).

To start 2014 off, here are some math riddles for you to ponder. They are original riddles and from my riddle book, Riddle-Me Math, available on amazon. Have fun with the riddles. Please share them with others and Good luck

I am a funny number
as you will plainly see
for if you add me to myself
my digits sum to me.

What number am I?

Cats have 4,
You have 2,
And I have 3.
What can I be?

Laying on a table,
Seven coins I see
Can you tell me what they are
If their sum is 53?

Although it may seem funny,
Some say that time is money.
So if a dollar were a century,
Then this would be a year.


Good luck with the riddles and in the new year. Please share these riddles, reply with a comment or like us on facebook.